In vitro Screening of Potential Antioxidative and Toxicity of the Stembark Extracts from Sterculia setigera Del.

Aminu Muhammad, Musa Maikudi Idris, Adamu Mamman


The current investigation deals with the in vitro antioxidative and toxicity effects of methanol and chloroform extracts from the stem bark of Sterculia setigera. The stem bark of the plant was extracted using organic solvents (methanol and chloroform) to afford methanol extract (ME) and chloroform extract (CE). The extracts were evaluated for antioxidative potentials using 2.2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydraxyl (DPPH) radical, also toxicity effect of the methanol extract was investigated against Artemia salina larvae. The antioxidative effects for the extracts uncovered promising activity on the DPPH with significant scavenging effects of 80.64% and 18.3% at 1000 and 7.813 µg/mL respectively. These values were found to be comparable with those of ascorbic acid (97.80 and 49.62%) and butylated hydroxytoluene (94.44 and 20.98%). The methanol extract was found to be as toxic as the positive control (potassium dichromate) with LC50 values of 1.64 µg/mL and 1.42 µg/mL, respectively. The antioxidative and cytotoxicity properties of methanol extract from S. setigera supported the ethno-medicinal claims on the plant as a curative agent of different diseases of clinical concern.


Sterculia setigera; Cytotoxicity; Antioxidant.

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