Etude de l’effet de margines sur le comportement microbien du sol: Suivi de la minéralisation du carbone

Raja Dakhli


The oil extraction process from olive fruits produces a large quantity of liquid waste, so called as olive oil mill wastewaters “Margines†which has a very strong polluting power resulting in high levels of COD (Chemical Oxygen demand) high salinity and a strong phenolic compounds causing environmental pollution. The exploitation of this waste without preliminary treatment is very limited considering its toxicity for soils and plants. In addition, the richness of this effluent in organic compounds and especially on potassic elements represents an asset for its agronomic valorization as a fertilizer. This alternative could be regarded as promising if it is practiced in a rational way. Mineralization is the core of the symbiotic relation between soil - microorganism and plant. It is the generator of mineral elements essential to the plants nutrition. Microorganisms are the main biotic actors in this process. The product of the mineralization depends, on the first hand, on the biomass of the soil and on the second hand on the quantity, nature and characteristics of the organic matter.The monitoring of the mineralization is therefore essential after any input of organic matter with a view to its valorisation which effects are unpredictable. It is within this framework that this work has been carried out aiming to study the effect of olive oil mill waste waters spreading on the process of mineralization of organic matter and the soil content of carbon and mineral nitrogen.


Margines, mineralization, carbon, microorganism


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