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Title: Child exploitation and positive personal growth in arthur golden’s Memoirs of a Geisha (1997)
Authors: Maazouzi, Karima
Saibi, Sihem (Directrice de thèse)
Keywords: American literature : Geisha : Post Traumatic Growth : Child exploitation
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Université de Bejaia
Abstract: This research investigates the positive legacy of trauma inherited from the different forms of exploitation in Arthur Golden's Memoirs of a Geisha (1997), taking the novel's main character as a case of study. The study is based on the assumption that adversity helps to build one's personality, as highlighted by Tedeschi and Calhoun's positive psychological theory of Post Traumatic Growth (PTG). It also sheds light on the shift from negative input to positive outcome as it positively affects children rather than adults, and the useful role of suffering in making them purposeful, helpful individuals in society
Description: Option : Literature and Civilization
Appears in Collections:Mémoires de Master

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