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Title: Asmeskel amutlay ghef umawal icudden gher tbexsisin deg Waghir n Bgayet (Xerrata), Aghir n Bouira (Imceddalen) akked usegzawal n J.M.Dallet
Authors: Aggon, Salima
Ait Abbas, Lahna
Ighit, Mohand OURamtane (encadreur)
Keywords: Amawal n tbexsisin : Xerrata, Imceddalen
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Tasdawit n Bgayet. A/Rahmane Mira
Abstract: Tazrawt-a tekcem deg taghult n "tesnilest tarakalt", ikecmen deg unnar n tesnantala n tmazight. ad yeâred ad ybeyyen asmeskel amutlay n umawal n tbexsisin deg snat n tmeslayin n temnadin yemgaraden Bgayet (Xerrata), Tubiret (Imcheddalen), akked usegzawal n Dallet, J.M. Akken daghen ad yeâred ad yessiwed i yimeghri ad yefhem amek i tettbeddil tutlayt deg wadeg, seg temnadt gher tayed, deg wayen yerzan iswiren n tesnilest.
Description: Taɣult : Tarakalt tamutlayt
Appears in Collections:Mémoires de master

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