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dc.contributor.authorTouazi, Lamia-
dc.contributor.authorMammeri, Sofiane (encadreur)-
dc.description.abstractThe present study investigates the target needs of Master I Biological Environmental Sciences students at Bejaia University as regarding the learning of English for Specific purposes. The participants of this study include the stakeholders (teachers, students and administration staff) of the department of biological environmental sciences at Bejaia University. The aim of this study is identifying the target needs of the students as regarding the learning of English for specific purposes. To reach this aim, a case study based on both quantitative and qualitative methods are regarded as appropriate methods that give an insight on the phenomenon under investigationen_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Bejaiaen_US
dc.subjectEnglish for specific purposes : scientific English : target needs; English for ; science and technologyen_US
dc.titleIdentification and Analysis of the Students’ Target Language Needs in Academic Scientific communication : The Case of Biological Environmental Science Department at Bejaia Universityen_US
Appears in Collections:Mémoires de Master

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