Welcome to the Fruit Shop

We sell fruits from around the world. Please use our website to learn more about our business. We hope you will come to our shop and buy some fruit.

This mini site will show you how you might want to set up a site for a business, in this example one selling fruit. It shows how to use access controls to manage your site content. If you were building a real site, you might want to extend it with e-commerce, a catalog, mailing lists or other enhancements, many of which are available through the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

To understand this site you will probably want to make one user with group set to customer and one with group set to grower. By logging in with different privileges you can see how access control works.

Liens Utiles

- Université Abderrahmane Mira - Bejaia

- Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la
Recherche Scientifique (MESRS)

- Direction Générale de la Recherche Scientifique
et du Développement Technologique (DG-RSDT)


Adresse: Unité de Recherche LaMOS, Bloc "Bureaux des Enseignants", 1ére étage, Campus Targua Ouzamour, Université de Bejaia, 06000 (Algérie)
Tél: (213) 34 81 37 08 / Fax: (213) 34 81 37 09 / Telex: 83908 CUB-DZ
E-mail: lamos_bejaia@hotmail.Com
Lien: http://www.lamos.org  / http://www.univ-bejaia.dz/lamos

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