We search the whole countryside for the best fruit growers.

You can let each supplier have a page that he or she can edit. To see this in action you will need to create a user who is in the suppliers group.

Create one page in the growers category for that user and make that supplier the author of the page. That user will be able to edit his or her page.

This illustrates the use of the Edit Own permission.

Liens Utiles

- Université Abderrahmane Mira - Bejaia

- Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la
Recherche Scientifique (MESRS)

- Direction Générale de la Recherche Scientifique
et du Développement Technologique (DG-RSDT)


Adresse: Unité de Recherche LaMOS, Bloc "Bureaux des Enseignants", 1ére étage, Campus Targua Ouzamour, Université de Bejaia, 06000 (Algérie)
Tél: (213) 34 81 37 08 / Fax: (213) 34 81 37 09 / Telex: 83908 CUB-DZ
E-mail: lamos_bejaia@hotmail.Com
Lien: http://www.lamos.org  / http://www.univ-bejaia.dz/lamos

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