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Offre de formation Licence de Sociologie


A Licence  in General Sociology is an undergraduate degree program that typically takes 3 years to complete and provides students with a broad understanding of the field of sociology. The curriculum typically includes courses in research methods, social theory, and various subfields of sociology such as race and ethnicity, gender , and social stratification. The program also includes more general courses that provide a comprehensive introduction to the field of sociology and its key concepts, theories and methods. Graduates with this degree may go on to work in fields such as social work, market research, or social policy analysis, or pursue further education in a graduate program.


Avec une poursuite d'études adaptée, la licence de sociologie vous permet d'accéder à de nombreux domaines professionnels, tels que la culture, le social, l'urbanisme, etc…
La licence de sociologie a pour but de vous faire interpréter les phénomènes de société en analysant les problèmes publics et leur histoire.



         ●  L2 S.S Sociologie

          ●  L3 S.S Sociologie