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Agenda salle visio-conférence fshs

Offre de Formation


Activité physique et sportive scolaire


The training offer (field) Physical Activity and Educational Sports aims essentially to train a professional intervening in the field of educational sports.  The main mission of the graduate is to take charge of teaching PE in schools (primary, middle school and high school), but also to work with people with specific needs (children, the disabled, the elderly, sports activities, etc.). The student follows a three-year training program (license): a first year of common core training, and two years of progressive specialization. Another training of study is offered to students wishing to follow a two-year training course called Master. This is done within the framework of a theory-practice alternating training. The teaching is given in the form of lectures (CM), tutorials (TD) and practical work (TP). A part of the work (especially in the last three years) is also done at a distance. In order to transfer the knowledge acquired at the university, a practical internship at the end of the cycle is programmed in license 3 and in master 2 with the objective of allowing the student interns (future teachers of PE) to pre-professionalize themselves and thus to discover the environment where they will practice their teaching profession. The teaching units are divided into four main categories: fundamental teaching units; methodological units; transversal units and discovery units. In terms of employability, in addition to the teaching profession, the graduate is sufficiently qualified to work in the public and private sectors, such as sports animator, sports educator or coach, sports development agent, supervision of outdoor sports activities, etc.